WolfBytes Radio Once Again offers What’s Up Announcements to Departments

88.1 HD3/WolfBytes Radio is offering NC State-affiliated departments, groups and offices the opportunity to air short informational announcements during the first few weeks of the semester.

Each year WolfBytes Radio (wolfbytes.ncsu.edu /88.1HD3) airs university, department and student announcements at the top of every hour during move-in and the first two weeks of school.  These announcements are short and usually promote anything that the department wants to get the word out about at the beginning of the year.  Here is an example:

There is no cost to record or to air the announcements and the department can do multiple (within reason) announcements to help marketing needs.

Announcements are being recorded now over Zoom and should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Interested groups can contact BJ Attarian at bj_attarian@ncsu.edu.